Making Up For Lost Time

Alcohol And Fraternities -- Filing A Wrongful Death Lawsuit May Be Your Best Recourse When Things Go Terribly Wrong

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Fraternities have been in the news a lot recently – mostly for the wrong reasons. Behavior that was once widely accepted as just part of the fraternity experience is now being examined under a much harsher spotlight. From hazing to racist behavior to allegations of widespread rape, fraternities have had to seriously re-think the way they conduct themselves. Unfortunately, some fraternity – and sorority – chapters are still willing to risk it all.…

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5 Critical Things To Know Before Your Personal Injury Deposition

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If you’ve been injured and are bringing a personal injury claim forward for compensation, a deposition will be required. While a deposition can seem nerve wracking at first, knowing what to expect and how to prepare can make the entire process go much more smoothly. Here are 5 critical things to know before your personal injury deposition.  1. A Deposition Is Not a Conversation  A deposition is designed for the defendant’s attorney to have the opportunity to ask you questions and determine what you know about the accident.…

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When It's Not About The Money: The Non-Financial Aspects Of Personal Injury Settlements

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Even though the money you receive from your personal injury case will help to compensate for your medical bills, emotional pain and suffering, and other similar damages, the fine print on the settlement contract can mean just as much as the money – if not more. There are some common requests and concessions made during settlement agreements for you to consider when making your demands. You may be able to prevent anyone else from having to have the same experience as you if you play your cards right.…

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