If you’ve been injured in a car accident that was caused by another driver, you’ll need to file a claim with that driver’s insurance company. If the insurance company does not cover all of the damages, you can file a personal injury lawsuit to collect the remaining funds from the driver or their insurance company. Unfortunately, this is a very involved and intricate process, and one mistake along the way may lead to you losing your case or receiving less money than you deserve.…
Currently, only 19 out of 50 states require all motorcyclists to wear a helmet. By contrast, 28 states require only some riders to wear helmets, and three have no helmet laws at all. If you live in a state where you’re not required to wear a motorcycle helmet, you may think that it’s not worth the expense of buying a helmet, or you may prefer to ride without one. But the fact is, even if you’re not required by law to wear a helmet, it’s a good idea to do so—for more reasons than you may think.…
Skateboarding is a popular pastime for millions of Americans, but accidents with cars can lead to serious injuries and even fatalities. Sadly, there were 21 skateboarding fatalities in the United States in 2013, and 50,000 American skateboarders end up in the emergency room every year. If a car collides with your skateboard, you’ll need to prove that the driver was at fault if you want to successfully file a lawsuit or insurance claim.…